Now, I have to be honest, while the idea of sitting down and writing up a past about my values seemed very easy at first, it's turned out to be much more complicated than I ever thought it would have been. It's one thing to live by them, and completely different to have to identify them and place a definition on them or explain why they are so important. But, I am going to do my best!
- Respect - I do my best to have a basic respect for all life forms and treat them accordingly. However beyond that basic respect I have for life, I do believe that respect on a deeper level should be earned, not simply given away. And of course, I believe we should have a great respect for ourselves first and foremost.
- Honor - Not only to live by what we believe, but to live in a way which shows a reverence for the past, the Gods and our heritage.
- Honesty & Integrity - Simply put, I see absolutely no excuse for being anything less than 100% honest or doing exactly what you say you will at all times! I don't buy in to the idea of "white lies" or "side stepping the truth" in any way - You may not like what I have to say, but you can always trust if I'm saying it, it's at the very least my honest opinion, if not fact!
- Self-Reliance - When the chips are down, you will always have you!
- Loyalty - Holding fast to the alliances you form - spiritually & personally!
- Equality - I don't buy in to this idea that any one group is better than any other - We are all a part of the Human Race, so act like it.
- Education - There is nothing more valuable than a good solid education! Beyond educating yourself, Educating others can change the world!
- Hard Work - Good old fashioned hard work! I started working full time at 14, and worked for my mother & family friends businesses before that. Hard work is the only way to truly fulfill your desires, goals and faith!
- Courage - Without the courage to get up and live by your values, you have nothing.
- Perseverance - Always pushing forward, even against all odds!
- Charity & Kindness - Giving of yourself to better the world as a whole.
- Tolerance - Understanding that not everyone is going to hold the same beliefs, values and opinions as you do and being willing accept your differences without reverting to anger or argument.
**This has been a post for the Pagan Values Blogject
Love this post! Awesome values :)